Unlocking the Power of Self-Executing ValidationAttribute in ASP.NET Core Web API
Image by Jerrey - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Self-Executing ValidationAttribute in ASP.NET Core Web API

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In the world of ASP.NET Core Web API, validation is an essential aspect of ensuring the integrity and accuracy of data. One of the most powerful tools in your validation arsenal is the Self-Executing ValidationAttribute. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of self-executing validation attributes, exploring how to create and use them to validate your API requests with ease.

What is a Self-Executing ValidationAttribute?

A Self-Executing ValidationAttribute is a custom validation attribute that can be applied to a property or class in your ASP.NET Core Web API. Unlike traditional validation attributes, which require additional code to execute validation logic, self-executing validation attributes encapsulate the validation logic within the attribute itself. This means that the attribute can automatically validate the associated property or class without requiring additional code.

Benefits of Self-Executing ValidationAttributes

  • Decoupling validation logic from business logic: By encapsulating validation logic within the attribute, you can keep your business logic clean and focused on its core responsibilities.
  • Reducing code duplication: Self-executing validation attributes eliminate the need to write repetitive validation code, making your codebase more maintainable and efficient.
  • Improving code readability: With self-executing validation attributes, you can easily identify which properties or classes require validation, making your code more readable and understandable.

Creating a Self-Executing ValidationAttribute

To create a self-executing validation attribute, you’ll need to inherit from the ValidationAttribute class and override the IsValid method. Here’s a basic example of a self-executing validation attribute that checks if a string property is not null or empty:

public class NotNullOrEmptyAttribute : ValidationAttribute
    public override bool IsValid(object value)
        if (value == null)
            return false;

        var stringValue = value as string;
        if (stringValue != null)
            return !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(stringValue);

        return true;

In this example, the NotNullOrEmptyAttribute class inherits from ValidationAttribute and overrides the IsValid method. The method checks if the input value is null, and if it’s a string, checks if it’s not null or empty using the string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace method.

Using a Self-Executing ValidationAttribute

Once you’ve created your self-executing validation attribute, you can apply it to a property or class in your ASP.NET Core Web API. Here’s an example of how to use the NotNullOrEmptyAttribute on a property:

public class UserViewModel
    public string Name { get; set; }

In this example, the Name property is decorated with the NotNullOrEmptyAttribute, which will automatically validate the property when it’s bound to a request.

Configuring Validation in ASP.NET Core Web API

Before you can use self-executing validation attributes, you need to configure validation in your ASP.NET Core Web API. In the Startup.cs file, add the following code to the ConfigureServices method:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

This code adds validation services to the ASP.NET Core Web API pipeline, enabling validation to occur automatically when requests are bound to models.

Advanced Self-Executing ValidationAttributes

While the previous example demonstrated a simple self-executing validation attribute, you can create more advanced attributes that validate complex scenarios. Here’s an example of a self-executing validation attribute that checks if a credit card number is valid:

public class CreditCardAttribute : ValidationAttribute
    public override bool IsValid(object value)
        if (value == null)
            return false;

        var creditCardNumber = value as string;
        if (creditCardNumber != null)
            // Implement credit card validation logic using a third-party library or custom implementation
            // ...
            return true;

        return false;

This example demonstrates how you can create a self-executing validation attribute that uses a third-party library or custom implementation to validate complex scenarios.


In this article, we’ve explored the power of self-executing validation attributes in ASP.NET Core Web API. By encapsulating validation logic within a custom attribute, you can decouple validation logic from business logic, reduce code duplication, and improve code readability. With self-executing validation attributes, you can create robust and maintainable validation logic that automatically executes when requests are bound to models.

Whether you’re building a simple API or a complex enterprise application, self-executing validation attributes are an essential tool in your validation arsenal. By following the instructions and examples provided in this article, you can unlock the full potential of self-executing validation attributes and take your ASP.NET Core Web API to the next level.

Keyword Description
Self-Executing ValidationAttribute A custom validation attribute that encapsulates validation logic within the attribute itself, allowing it to automatically validate associated properties or classes.
ValidationAttribute A base class for custom validation attributes that can be applied to properties or classes in ASP.NET Core Web API.
IsValid A method that must be overridden in custom validation attributes to specify the validation logic.

By mastering self-executing validation attributes, you can create robust, maintainable, and scalable validation logic that ensures the integrity and accuracy of your API requests. Remember to keep your validation logic decoupled from business logic, reduce code duplication, and improve code readability. With self-executing validation attributes, the possibilities are endless!

  1. Explore the official ASP.NET Core Web API documentation for more information on validation and validation attributes.
  2. Learn about other types of validation attributes, such as data annotation attributes and fluent validation.
  3. Practice creating custom validation attributes and applying them to your ASP.NET Core Web API projects.

Unlock the full potential of self-executing validation attributes and take your ASP.NET Core Web API projects to the next level!

Frequently Asked Question

Self-executing validation attributes in ASP.NET Core Web API can be a bit tricky to wrap your head around, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to get you up and running in no time:

What is a self-executing validation attribute in ASP.NET Core Web API?

A self-executing validation attribute in ASP.NET Core Web API is a custom validation attribute that can validate a model without the need for additional code in the controller or action method. It’s like having a superhero sidekick that takes care of validation for you, effortlessly!

How do I create a self-executing validation attribute in ASP.NET Core Web API?

To create a self-executing validation attribute, you need to inherit from the ValidationAttribute class and override the IsValid method. This method will contain the logic for your validation. Then, you can apply the attribute to your model properties or classes, and voilà! Your validation will be executed automatically.

Can I use self-executing validation attributes with ASP.NET Core’s built-in validation features?

Absolutely! Self-executing validation attributes can be used alongside ASP.NET Core’s built-in validation features, such as Data Annotations and Fluent Validation. This means you can combine the power of custom validation with the convenience of built-in validation, making your life as a developer a whole lot easier.

How do I return a custom error message from a self-executing validation attribute?

To return a custom error message, you can use the ValidationResult class and specify the error message as part of the ValidationResult object. This error message will then be returned to the client, giving you fine-grained control over the error messages returned to your users.

Can I use self-executing validation attributes with ASP.NET Core’s model binding?

Yes, self-executing validation attributes can be used with ASP.NET Core’s model binding. When a request is received, the model binder will automatically validate the model using the self-executing validation attributes, ensuring that your model is validated before it even reaches your controller or action method.