Unleash the Power of OPC UA: Get Information on Custom Struct on the OPC UA Server via Eclipse Milo Client
Image by Jerrey - hkhazo.biz.id

Unleash the Power of OPC UA: Get Information on Custom Struct on the OPC UA Server via Eclipse Milo Client

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In the world of industrial automation, OPC UA (Unified Architecture) has emerged as a widely adopted standard for secure, reliable, and platform-independent data exchange. One of the most popular OPC UA client libraries is Eclipse Milo, which provides a Java-based implementation for interacting with OPC UA servers. In this article, we’ll delve into the process of retrieving information on custom structs from an OPC UA server using the Eclipse Milo client.

What are Custom Structs in OPC UA?

In OPC UA, a custom struct is a user-defined data type that consists of multiple elements, such as integers, floats, strings, and other data types. Custom structs are often used to represent complex data models, like device configurations, sensor readings, or alarm information. By defining custom structs, OPC UA servers can provide a more detailed and structured view of the underlying data, making it easier for clients to interpret and utilize the information.

Why Use Eclipse Milo Client?

Eclipse Milo is a popular choice for OPC UA client development due to its robust feature set, ease of use, and Java-based implementation. Some of the key benefits of using Eclipse Milo client include:

  • Platform independence: Eclipse Milo client can run on any platform that supports Java, making it an ideal choice for cross-platform development.
  • Extensive feature set: Eclipse Milo client provides a comprehensive implementation of the OPC UA specification, including support for custom structs, methods, and events.
  • Easy to use: Eclipse Milo client comes with a simple and intuitive API, making it easy to integrate with OPC UA servers and retrieve data.

Step-by-Step Guide to Retrieving Custom Struct Information using Eclipse Milo Client

Now that we’ve set the stage, let’s dive into the step-by-step process of retrieving information on custom structs from an OPC UA server using the Eclipse Milo client.

Step 1: Set up the Eclipse Milo Client

Before we begin, make sure you have the Eclipse Milo client library installed in your project. You can add the following dependency to your `pom.xml` file (if you’re using Maven) or download the JAR file manually:


Step 2: Create an OPC UA Client Instance

Create an instance of the OPC UA client using the Eclipse Milo client library:

OpcUaClient client = OpcUaClient.create();

In this example, we’re connecting to a local OPC UA server at `opc.tcp://localhost:4840`. Replace this with the address of your OPC UA server.

Step 3: Browse the OPC UA Server for Custom Structs

Use the `browse` method to retrieve a list of nodes on the OPC UA server:

BrowseResult browseResult = client.browse(
    new BrowseDescription(
        identifyNode(NodeId.get(BrowsePath.forward(OpcUaStandardNamespace.Types Folder))))

List<BrowseResult> browseResults = browseResult.getResults();
for (BrowseResult br : browseResults) {
    for (ReferenceDescription rd : br.getReferences()) {
        if (rd.getTypeDefinition().equals(StructureType.get(OpcUaStandardNamespace.DataItemType))) {
            // Found a custom struct node
            NodeId customStructNodeId = rd.getNodeId();
            // ...

In this example, we’re browsing the OPC UA server for nodes of type `DataItemType`, which is a base type for custom structs. We iterate through the browse results and references to find the custom struct nodes.

Step 4: Read the Custom Struct Attributes

Once you’ve found the custom struct node, use the `read` method to retrieve the attributes:

ReadValueId readValueId = new ReadValueId(

ReadResponse readResponse = client.read(null, 0, TimestampsToReturn.Both, readValueId).get();

DataValue dataValue = readResponse.getValues().get(0);
Variant variant = dataValue.getValue();

// Get the custom struct attributes
ExtensionObject xo = (ExtensionObject) variant.getValue();
StructuredType structuredType = (StructuredType) xo.getBody();

// Iterate through the custom struct attributes
for (Field field : structuredType.getFields()) {
    // Process the attribute value
    Object value = field.getValue().getValue();
    System.out.println(String.format("Attribute name: %s, value: %s", field.getName(), value));

In this example, we’re reading the custom struct attributes using the `read` method and then iterating through the attribute values using the `StructuredType` class.

Best Practices for Working with Custom Structs in OPC UA

When working with custom structs in OPC UA, keep the following best practices in mind:

  1. Follow the OPC UA specification: Adhere to the OPC UA specification when defining custom structs to ensure compatibility and interoperability with other OPC UA clients and servers.
  2. Use meaningful names and descriptions: Choose descriptive names and descriptions for your custom structs and attributes to make it easier for clients to understand and utilize the data.
  3. Document your custom structs: Provide detailed documentation for your custom structs, including the structure, attributes, and data types, to facilitate client development and integration.
  4. Test and validate your custom structs: Thoroughly test and validate your custom structs to ensure they are correctly defined, written, and read by the OPC UA server and clients.


In this article, we’ve explored the process of retrieving information on custom structs from an OPC UA server using the Eclipse Milo client. By following the steps and best practices outlined above, you’ll be well on your way to unlocking the power of OPC UA and custom structs in your industrial automation applications.

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Here are 5 FAQs about getting information on custom structs on an OPC UA server via Eclipse Milo Client:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the scoop on accessing custom structs on an OPC UA server using Eclipse Milo Client!

Q: What is a custom struct in OPC UA, and why do I need it?

A custom struct in OPC UA is a complex data type that allows you to represent complex data in a structured format. You need it to model specific data structures that are not handled by the standard OPC UA data types, such as custom arrays or composite objects. With Eclipse Milo Client, you can access and manipulate these custom structs to gain deeper insights into your industrial automation systems.

Q: How do I discover custom structs on an OPC UA server using Eclipse Milo Client?

To discover custom structs, you need to browse the OPC UA server’s address space using the Eclipse Milo Client. You can do this by creating a client session, connecting to the server, and then browsing the server’s node hierarchy. Look for nodes with a type of ‘Struct’ or ‘DataType’ that have a non-standard namespace URI. These nodes represent the custom structs exposed by the server.

Q: How do I read data from a custom struct on an OPC UA server using Eclipse Milo Client?

To read data from a custom struct, you need to use the Eclipse Milo Client’s data access API. First, create a data access instance and connect to the OPC UA server. Then, use the read() method to read the value of the custom struct node. The returned value will be an instance of the UaDataType class, which you can then cast to the specific custom struct type.

Q: Can I write data to a custom struct on an OPC UA server using Eclipse Milo Client?

Yes, you can write data to a custom struct on an OPC UA server using Eclipse Milo Client. To do this, create a data access instance and connect to the OPC UA server. Then, use the write() method to write a new value to the custom struct node. Make sure to construct the write request with the correct data type and value, as specified by the custom struct’s definition.

Q: Are there any performance considerations when working with custom structs on an OPC UA server using Eclipse Milo Client?

Yes, when working with custom structs on an OPC UA server using Eclipse Milo Client, be mindful of performance considerations. Custom structs can be complex and large, which can impact network bandwidth and server resources. To mitigate this, consider using optimized data encoding, such as binary encoding, and limit the amount of data transferred. Additionally, use caching and other performance optimization techniques to reduce the load on the server and client.

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